Hey Everyone Well, I have been reading the day away :) I took a brief break and watched some gossip girl and had a salad for lunch .. now I have took another break and am in one of those refresh all the websites thing- you know like because I'm not getting any email or any updates on facebook that are interesting... time suckers all of it! I think I am going to skip tanning this evening. I am just going to try to go every other day from here out. If I miss an extra day or go extra days that is fine and dandy. I know I should try to go more through the week and not have to worry about it on the weekends..So.. I could change my mind - the day is young I haven't talked to my mom since this morning when I was annoyed about the whole trading and money and credit hoo-ha. I am just going to tell her be sure to get my shit- get whatever credit she wants and i'll just try to take the watches to the pawn shop with the old record player and if I come up with $60 between the 2 that is … [Read more...]
Say What Now? :Annoyed but It is o.k. Must ramble about it and then fine!
Hey Everyone Well... hate to say it but I am already annoyed today! I know I had written that I was trading some of the random junk that I have that I don't want to my uncle in exchange for credit where I buy things from where he buys pallets (good god that was a mouth full. I don't know if it makes sense, but it isn't as complicated as it might sound lol) Anyways, I had gathered a few things up around the house and my mom all of a sudden found this missing yard sale stuff that I thought she had already gotten rid of - she had it in this wooden box in the driveway and that thing got wet somehow another a long back so I thought she just hauled everything away. Anyways, there was some really nice stuff that I had in there. SO it turns out that I took a big bag of stuff and she had a TUB full of my stuff. I owe him about $63 so .. even though I was like DAMN he is getting a whole crap-ton of my stuff and really nice expensive stuff.. whatever. If he wants to trade me out even … [Read more...]
I’m more rambly than I realized!
Hey Everyone Well, I bet you are getting used to be writing multiple times a day no? lol I am just so stinking bored today/this week for some reason! I mean there are a few random things in the house I could do- I could do the rest of the shelf in the closet/the top shelfs but ... I might just save that for the weekend ;) I also do need to shave and such but I guess that will be tomorrow or later in the week at this rate! It just seems like the days are dragging and its killing me. Oh, and I think week after next David has to go in at 4 so just -ugh you know how lovely those days are!I used to be when he had those days he got to come home earlier but now they are so busy he's lucky to get to come home at all - and thats pretty much every day anymore! I knew that it was coming up- him going in at 4 but I keep getting the weeks mixed up. I know the weekend of our anniversary is also the family shin dig- which is like not the coming weekend but the next and I'm not so sure we … [Read more...]
low key & mellow
Hey Everyone Well, I'm trying my little heart out to find a hotel to work with me so David and I can get a vacation of some sorts. I know that trying to find a hotel to work with to start with is hard, and then for summer time it is pretty much not going to happen but I'm not one to give up quite so easily! Even a really awesome rate for social media shares or something like that would be of interest to me so we'll see. I didn't think I was going to really care about going anywhere this summer /this year in general but then when David's vacation reset (Sunday) I was like OMG I want to go somewhere you know? I have an option in KY/OH but it is just an attraction and i'd have to swing hotel (which there is one that is $50 a night so it might not be that bad) We'll see how it all works out right? I'm fighting a really annoying headache so far today - it kind of comes and goes and it is quite annoying to be honest! My mom stopped over to bring me a few random things (dish soap, … [Read more...]
productive for a girl who isn’t in the blogging spirit am i right?
Hey Everyone Well, I did manage to write that review believe it or not WAHOO. Been a productive blogging day for a gal who is allegedly taking things slow :)Now I just have ONE MORE review and I am GOOD .. and I am hoping to get that one up by next Friday (the 15th) so we'll see how goes it! Though, I did have the opp last year to go to an attraction for review that I am still interested in, but I would have to pay for a hotel night- I didn't have any luck trying to get one local to it last year and honestly I'm kind of in a place where I'd rather not have another review except for the actual attraction, if that so.. yeah :) I have to say though- it was the quickest YES I ever got- in under 4 min of emailing - it just never worked out last year. The luck I have though the girl will be gone or I won't hear back or something you /something will have changed so we'll see ! We have got to go SOMEWHERE for at least a day this year I hope??!! My mom is supposed to go to CM tomorrow … [Read more...]
Review: bFan(BedFan) #review #sponsored #ad #bfan
A Note About Pictures: I didn't use personal pictures on this review for the simple fact that every time I tried to take them they just didn't look the way I wanted them to! A while back I saw this awesome item showing up on Facebook with people posting how awesome it was and how neat it was. The first thought in my head - as usual, when I see something neat that I would like to have- is I wonder if they would work with a blogger in a review context? A long story short, and it took a little while to be arranged (which I am totally o.k with in case any other brands are looking- if you are on kickstarter or something? No worries, I'll wait- I might follow up a lot- but I'll wait!) It's Hot here in the south- a poeinent tale by Nichole (and introducing bFan!) This particular item was the one and only bFan (you might have seen it when it was the original bedfan- same idea by the same folks, just improved upon) and I was beyond excited to be able to get it to review. I mean- it … [Read more...]