I have been a fan of photography and things related for as long as I can remember! I remember having a 110 camera and later on getting an upgrade to a 35mm one. My mom had a huge fancy camera with lenses and the like and she even used to photograph peoples weddings and all that good stuff. I also remember getting my first digital camera when they first came out! I think I was the first person in the family to switch over actually. You know what I have fond memories of though? My friend when I was little was a little girl named Bethany and her mom had a polaroid and I thought that was the neatest thing ever because my mom had that fancy camera of hers and she was always taking pics and I remember even at that young of an age (3 or 4) having to send off the film and wait for the pictures to come back- I mean the horror right? and of course I was growing up WAY before the digital ones were on the scene at this point I actually have a picture of Bethany and I waiting for a picture to … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide Review: Style RX Designer Pill Box #sponsored #Review #stylerx
Pills of some sort have seemingly been a part of my life since.. well .. a long time! I was on "the pill" to regulate my female stuff (I frequently skipped periods, bled for months on end and had horrible pain and such without them) since middle school! I did pretty good with remembering to take them all the years I was on them. I have at many times been on allergy meds, st johns wort (oh remember those days?) and various other supplements but when it seems like you get more than one going and/or start something new it just gets a little more complicated to keep up with- or that could just be me- but I do know people that say the same thing! As you all know allergy related Asthma has became part of my world with in the last year or so, and now I am on a regimen of Allegra that I have to take daily. I want to remember to take it more than anything because I don't want to risk missing it and having an asthma attack even though I do have my inhaler! I think so far I have only missed … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide 2015: The Aquavault (Original Version) #review #sponsored
A Little Background, Of Course! Many of you have noticed that I have spent quite a bit of time at the pool here at the apartments this summer, I loved going up there in the evenings about 830 because it was kind of dead and I didn't have to worry about getting splashed and all of that kind of thing. You also be aware that I have been participating in the carowinds caro blogger program (and I am hoping that I get asked back next go around!) What is one of my biggest pet peeve that the both of these two places has in common? A Place to put your stuff!!! I mean sure here at the apartment place I could just roll up there with only my keys or whatever but I generally like to tote a little more than that like my ipod and what not...and sometimes when I go there are other folks there and you don't really want them messing about your stuff! Sometimes I am toting not only my keys and ipod but my kindle and of course I am using headphones and sometimes my phone ..and well you get the … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide Review: Bigen Vivid Shades Color #review #sponsored #bigen #vividshades
It isn't a big secret that I am always doing SOMETHING to my hair. I am kind of cursed with troll hair ... really thick and curly troll hair. I always have said that and then when I got my belly button ring I started adding "and I have the jewel in my belly button too" :) Also my mom is a hairstylist by trade, and that woman was always constantly doing something to my hair growing up! Oh and just throwing it out there it wasn't always pretty -and there are pictures ,and NO YOU CAN'T SEE THEM lol. Although at one point I had hair so long as a child I could sit on it! I have been coloring my hair pretty much since I was in the 9th grade constantly. I don't think I have been my original hair color since.. um.. one brief period several years ago because of a coloring snafu! I generally go dark in the winter and do blonde in the summer and sometimes in between you'll find me with red /strawberry blonde or something of those sorts. I have such a problem with grey roots though, I pretty … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide Review: Gunnar Computer Glasses #review #sponsored
I have wore glasses since I was in the 6th grade- they were these god awful purple and teal ones and I had them tinted in some funky color too! I can't even remember but I know that picked them out but I probably could have used some better guidance, for sure lol. The pair after those wasn't much better :) I won't tell you how long I have had my current glasses but I love them,and I think even if I ever get a new prescription I will use the same ones. I am also bad about wearing my glasses to boot- I am only required to wear them when driving- I have the restriction on my license and everything. I do try every time I renew my license to do the little test without them just to see if I can luck out! I really need to wear them in general but I can't ever seem to get in the habit! My right eye is so bad, that the last time I did make glasses they had to keep them longer to make the lens even because it was so much thicker than the left. As you know I spend pretty much 24/7 online … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide Review: Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker /7-in 1 Multi Cooker! And #Giveaway! #instantpot #review #sponsored
I come from a line of "hill folk" who believed in living off the land and preserving your own food, and eating at home! My family comes from the southern Appalachian region, also known to us as the "hollers" of southwestern virginia and parts of west virginia. Believe you me, the lines are so finally drawn and in and out it gets pretty confusing! I know that when I first tried to explain to David where I was from he kept asking me what "town" it was and I kept trying to tell him the closest "town" was at least 20 min away, and more than likely 45! I have a deep pride of where I am from , and the things that people in my family have had to do to sustain themselves over the years especially when it came to feeding the family! We are picklers, canners, gardners, hunters,etc. If you didn't have it at home there was a good chance you weren't going to be running out and getting it when winter had set in, or even in general! Pressure Cooking, Is pretty popular in my family as well! Even … [Read more...]